Sunday, 4 September 2016

"Best of Everything" Syndrome

Life is not very pleasant, Life is too boring, Life is a burden, Life has nothing but sorrow is what I have seen people saying around. I sometimes have the same feeling like others. But recently I found some peace within myself after diverting my attentions to different activities.

I just wanted to share small things that can change everyone's life if they are willing to change. This is neither a motivational blog nor a blog where I am trying to guide people for better life. I just want to share the hard-learned secrets of life. I learned this after struggling for 20 years. Now I have some clarity in my life, what I want to do and where I am heading to. In this blog, lets me try to explain my "the best of everything" syndrome. I have this syndrome and I am trying to overcome it.

Life is very simple. But I complicated things a lot. I always wanted to get the best of everything. It is like, I am competing against myself. Even for deciding which notebook to buy, I became so picky. I will search for hours together analyzing the best notebook on the internet. Moreover, there are lots of websites which shares the "Top 10" kinds of stuff. They are really into very good business, till people like me are around. :) After getting the precious stuff, after researching hours of research, I will always regret the decision I made.

This is one of the things that recently learned. There is nothing like "BEST". It's always relative to one another. There is nothing which defines the reference to compare with. It's all imaginative, these things happen inside our mind. I re-iterate there is nothing called "Best". It took 20 yrs to realize this.

I wanted to start a blog for past 2 years. I registered many domains. But, there was one hurdle that I want to overcome. The "perfect" hosting provider or the "perfect" blogger. Too much confusions. Is it a blogger or WordPress or self-hosted blogs or wix or something totally different ? I waited for the best. I waited so long for someone to create a very best "blogging" platform. Even some time back, I thought about writing my own code to create the best blogger. I even started working on algorithms... crazy isn't ? I spent too much time just for researching on this. But today, I am at peace. Created a Gmail account, logged into blogger. I tried different blogger names, I got something which is relevant. Started writing this post.

Now I am at peace. :)

Like me, many people are wondering how to get the best of everything. But, there is nothing called Best. The attitude to get the best of everything gives everyone so much trouble. Even after getting the best of the best , people intend to compare it with other products and regret their decision. People compare things with so many criteria, its is a complex simulation which mind is constantly working on. It creates too much stress, eats up so much of our precious time of our life and most importantly, it hurts the quality of life we are living. It is always good to have a comparison. But too much comparison and trying to find the best of everything is a very bad attitude.

Nowadays, I depend completely on my Intuition. I will let my intuition guide me. The moment I see a product, my heart or something deeper consciousness will say if I need it nor not. Everyone's consciousness takes that instant decision. but what we do is, we try to question the decision made by our consciousness. This is where "Mind" comes to play. It tries to argue , doubt, question the decision made by our consciousness. If you let this happen, your mind will win. Mind feeds on thoughts. It likes more thoughts. You cannot keep it idle. If you master that art, then you are a Sage , Guru or Yogi. So listen to your Consciousness not to your mind when taking decisions. This always helped me.

I believe all our consciousness will take the "BEST" decision at all situation. We just have to keep an open mind to listen and accept it. So keep an open mind. Hear your consciousness.



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